Information required for application:
Executed User Agreement
- Direct access to DHE data by users is governed through the Agreement Governing Programmatic Access to Enterprise Data Resources (“Agreement”). The Agreement outlines permissible access methods and use of DHE data and once executed constitutes a contractual agreement between DHE and the user. The Agreement is submitted in conjunction with documentation of specific analytics use cases. Upon approval, the Agreement provides the user with permission to access needed DHE data as needed in support of the submitted use cases.
- User Agreement Form (fillable .pdf)
Use Case
- Prospector facilitates and governs timely, need-based user direct access to and use of the central store of data managed by DHTS that includes data of the Duke Health Enterprise, comprising Duke-Affiliated HIPAA Covered Entity and Duke University Health System (collectively “DHE”). All requests for access must be substantiated by specific use case(s) that describe the need for access, and data domains and elements expected. Documentation of need may include specific metrics reported and questions to be answered.
- Use Case Form (.docx)
Additional use cases may be submitted for review as needed and, upon their approval, these will be incorporated into the user’s permitted access. Approved Agreements are valid for one year from date of approval; and may be renewed for subsequent one-year terms.
Submitting an Access Request Form via the DHTS User Portal (Service Now)
Once these forms have been completed, submit an Access Request via DHTS User Portal (ServiceNow).
- Navigate to Get IT > Analytics & Reporting > Request for Accounts/Access & Training for Reports and Data
- For the Service: option, select ‘SQL Access to DSR/Clarity or Caboodle’
- Complete all sections of the form
- If your access will be via PACE, include that in the Detailed Business Objective section
- Click the Add Attachment button or the paperclip to attach your Agreement Form and Use Case Form